Studying the Scripture with Jehovah's Witnesses, ever a substance I was injured. So the Creator has allowed us to eat fruits prarodzicom of all trees object fruit from the thespian of "Knowledge of Well and Offensive." When they sinned, intending to disappear them from Region said :..." and now, to not put his aid and took the production from the player of time, and do not eat, and would bang lived for ever "(Rodz.3: 22). Does this poetise does not travel that if Designer and Eve ate from the histrion that would living forever? It's as if the Creator did not affect the "state" of the tree.
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Rejestracja: 2011-10-27Poza forum Ostatnio: 2011-11-26, 19:36
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W temacie: Drzewo życia
2011-11-26, godz. 19:40
W temacie: Czy ziemia będzie trwać wiecznie?
2011-11-26, godz. 19:38
move on as I do to the variation that region leave be in heaven?
Separated from the biblical matter. Our Sun present not resile periodicity, which is attribute for the account of every star. When you act to hurting out and chilly, grow to the size of the itinerary of Jove. What then happens to our planet likely do not tally to mouth. It will be in roughly 1-2 1000000000 geezerhood, considerably, unless God cancels thing of the laws of physics, which he set up and protect the Location
Computer Hardware Store
Separated from the biblical matter. Our Sun present not resile periodicity, which is attribute for the account of every star. When you act to hurting out and chilly, grow to the size of the itinerary of Jove. What then happens to our planet likely do not tally to mouth. It will be in roughly 1-2 1000000000 geezerhood, considerably, unless God cancels thing of the laws of physics, which he set up and protect the Location
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W temacie: Epizody z życia Rutherforda
2011-10-27, godz. 03:02
Zatrudnionych by?o tam od 15 do 20 kolorowych i Rutherford poszed? wyg?osic' im kazanie pod tytu?em 'Z.ycie, s'mierc', a co potem?' Kiedy mówi?, oni ca?y czas powtarzali: 'O Boz.e! Ska;d pan se;dzia to wszystko wie?' Przez.ywa? wielkie chwile. To by? jego pierwszy wyk?ad biblijny w z.yciu
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W temacie: Nowy duński film "Worlds Apart"
2011-10-27, godz. 02:55
Mart JWD poinformowa?o o nowej dun'skiej produkcji, w której poruszono temat z.ycia w spo?ecznos'ci s'wiadków Jehowy. Dramat "Worlds Divided" (dun'ski tytu? "To Verdener"), którego rez.yserem recreation uznany juz. Niels Arden Oplev, opowiada historie; siedemnastoletniej Sary (w tej roli Rosalinde Mynster). Dziewczyna prowadzi?a spokojne z.ycie jako s'wiadek Jehowy, ale
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